Exploration of Energy Reserves in Frontier Areas Not Yet Maximum

Indonesia’s abundant energy sources in frontier areas haven’t been explored optimally. According to 2010 data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia has proven and potential crude oil reserves of 7.8 trillion barrels (combined). Meanwhile, proven and potential gas reserves stood at 157.1 trillion cubic feet (combined). 

According to Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) President Ron Aston, Indonesia has abundant energy reserves, but left unexplored. The focus of exploration on the abundant-but-unproven reserves at the frontier areas and the increasing efforts to unlock its unconventional gas,” he said in IPA press release on Tuesday (5/3).

This is in line with IPA’s plan to hold its 35th IPA Convention and Exhibition on 18-20 May 2011 at the Jakarta Convention Center, carrying the theme “Indonesia Energy: Growth, Security and Sustainability.”

“This IPA Convention and Exhibition is aimed at collaborating with the government to formulate the best solutions needed to resolve various challenges faced by oil and gas industry,” Mr. Aston said.

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